Metapack: Data Packaging System =============================== Metapack is a data package format and packging system that uses Metatab formatted files for both metadata and for the instructions for building data packages. `Metatab `_ is a metadata format that allows structured metadata -- the sort of information about a dataset like title, origin, or date of publication that you'd normally store in JSON, YAML or XML -- to be stored and edited in tabular forms like CSV or Excel. Metatab files look exactly like you'd expect, so they are very easy for non-technical users to read and edit, using tools they already have. Metatab is an excellent format for creating, storing and transmitting metadata. For more information about metatab, visit, or get :doc:`overview` to understand the format. Using metapack, you can create a Metatab formatted file that describes the data you'd like to package and create an Excel or Zip file data package that holds that data. Metapack also includes programs to load data sets to AWS S3, Data.World and CKAN, and to use these packages in Jupyter notebooks. This python module provides CLI tools and APIs for inspecting and using data packages, but does not provide support for building data packages. For building data packages, see the `metapack-build `_. module. Install ======= If you want to use metapack packages, just install ``metapack``. But if you want to build packages, you should install: * `metapack-build `_ for building packages. * `metapack-jupyter `_. for Jupyter notebook support. * `metapack-github `_. for managing Github repositories. * `metapack-wp `_. for publising packages to the web. The most consistently reliable way to install Metapack, especially in MacOs, is within Conda, which will avoid having to compile the geographic libraries for geos and gdal. So, on MacOs, you may want to start with: .. code-block:: bash conda create --name metapack -c conda-forge python=3.10.2 pyproj proj-data geopandas conda activate metapack Then, on MacOS and Linux, install metapack with: .. code-block:: bash pip install metapack-build metpack-github metapack-jupyter # Or pip install metapack For development, you'll probably want the development package, with sub-modules for related repos: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone --recursive $ cd metapack-dev $ bin/ Metatab and Metapack Overview ============================= .. toctree:: overview Using Metapack Packages ======================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 using .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 commands Building Metapack Packages ========================== .. note:: Creating Metapack packages requires the `metapack-build `_. module. * :doc:`Getting Started Tutorial ` * :doc:`Generating Rows ` * :doc:`Altering rows with transforms ` Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`