Metapack Overview ================= Metapack is a system for packaging data, based on a structured metadata format called Metatab. A Metapack data package is a collection of data and metadata, where the metadata is expressed in Metatab format, usually in a CSV file. Metapack packages come in several variants: * Filesystem: files in a directory * ZIP: A ZIPped Filesystem package * S3: A Filesystem package in an S3 buckets * Excel: All metadata and data in a single Excel spreadsheet * Source: A Filesystem package with data processing instructions, to build all other package types. Each package has data, metadata and documentation. * Root Metadata includes the title, name, identifiers, and other top level information * Resources are data that is included in the data package, usually as a CSV file. * References are URLs to other documents or data * Documentation includes a README file, links to websites, and inline notes. * Data Dictionary, a list of all tables and their columns. All of this data and metadata is accessible through either the Metapack programamtic interface or the CLI commands. The resources, references and documentation metadata makes heavy use of URLs to refer to external resources, and the resources and references use of `custom urls `_ to refer to row-oriented data. For this overview, we'll refer to the metadata file for the ` `_ package Just Enough Metatab ------------------- To fully understand this documentation, you'll want to have a basic understanding of Metatab. The best information is in the `Specification `_, but you can get by with a short introduction. Metatab is a tabular format for structured data, so you can put records that have multiple properties and children into a spreadsheet. Each of the Metatab records is a :code:`Term`. Terms have a short name and a fully qualified name. For instance, the term that holds title information is the :code:`Root.Title` term, but can be shortened to :code:`Title`. In a Metatab file, the first column always holds a term name, and the second column holds the term value. The columns after the first two can hold properties, which are also child terms. Child Relationship are encoded by specifying a term that has the first part of the fully qualified term be the same name as the parent term. For instance, these rows: +--------------+------------+ | Root.Table | TableName | +--------------+------------+ | Table.Column | ColumnName | +--------------+------------+ Will create a :code:`Root.Table` term, with a value of 'TableName' and a :code:`Table.Column` child, with a column name of 'ColumnName'. The parent portion of a term name can be elided if it can be inferred from the previous term, so the above example can also be written as:: +--------------+------------+ | Table | TableName | +--------------+------------+ | .Column | ColumnName | +--------------+------------+ That is, if the Term starts with :code:`.`, it is assumed to be a child of the most recent top level term. If there is no parent portion to the term, and no :code:`.`, the term is assumed to be the child of :code:`Root`. The most common way to present this information, however, is to elide :code:`Root`, but be explicit about most other parents. So this example is most often written as: +--------------+------------+ | Table | TableName | +--------------+------------+ | Table.Column | ColumnName | +--------------+------------+ Rows can also have properties, values in the third column of the file or later, which are converted to child properties. The term name for the properties is specified in a header, which is part of the section the terms are in. A Metatab document starts with a root section, but the section can be explicitly set with a :code:`Section` term. Here is an example, from the Schema section of a typical Metatab document: +--------------+------------+----------+ | Section | Schema | DataType | +--------------+------------+----------+ | Table | TableName | | +--------------+------------+----------+ | Table.Column | ColumnName | integer | +--------------+------------+----------+ In the :code:`Section` row, the third column, "DataType" declares that in this section, any value in the third column is a child of the row's term, with a name of :code:`DataType`. Therefore, the third line of this example results in a :code:`Table.Column` term with a value of "ColumnName" and the :code:`Table.Column` term has a child term of type :code:`Column.DataType` with a value of "integer". So these rows are equivalent to: +-----------------+------------+ | Table | TableName | +-----------------+------------+ | Table.Column | ColumnName | +-----------------+------------+ | Column.DataType | integer | +-----------------+------------+ For writing in text files, there is a "Text Lines" version of the format, which consists of only the term and value portions of the format; all properties are represented explicitly as children. This is the format you will see in this documentation. For instance, the Schema section example would be expressed in Text Lines as:: Section: Schema Table: TableName Table.Column: ColumnName Column.DataType: Integer In both CSV and Lines format, the parent portion of a term name can be elided if it can be inferred from the previous term, so the above example can also be written as:: Section: Schema Table: TableName Table.Column: ColumnName Column.DataType: Integer The Lines format is more compact and more readable in text files, so occasionally documentation will use the Lines format. Root, Documentation and Contact Metadata ---------------------------------------- The Root section is the first, unlabeled section of a Metatab document, which contains information such as the package title, name, and identification numbers. In the ` `_ example file, the root section contains: +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Declare | metatab-latest | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Title | A Metatab Example Data Package | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Description | An example data package, from the Metatab tutorial at | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Description | | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Identifier | 96cd659b-94ad-46ae-9c18-4018caa64355 | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dataset | full | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Origin | | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Time | 2017 | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Space | US | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Version | 1 | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Modified | 2017-09-20T16:00:18 | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Issued | 2017-09-20T16:43:33 | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Giturl | | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Distribution | | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Distribution | | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Distribution | | +--------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Some of the important terms in this section include: * Declare: specifies the terms that are valid for the document and their datatypes. * Title: The dataset title * Description: A simple description, which can be split across multiple terms. * Identifier: An automatically generated unique string for this dataset. * Name: The formal name of the dataset, which is created from the Origin, Dataset, Variation, Time, Space, Grain and Version terms. * Distribution: Indicates where other versions of this same package are located on the Web. The Documentation section has links to URLS, or text files included in a ZIP package, for important documentation, download pages, data dictionaries, or notes. The Contacts section lists the names, urls and email addresses for people opr organizations that created, wrangled or published the dataset. Resources and References ------------------------ The heart of the metadata is the Resources and References section. Both sections have the same format, with an important difference: The Resources section declares row-oriented datafiles that are included in data packages ( ie, files that are copied into a ZIP package ) while the References section specifies URLs to objects that are not included in the data package, and may not be row-oriented data. The Resources section has ( in Lines format ) :: Section: Resources|Name|schema|StartLine|HeaderLines|Description|nrows| Datafile:\ / .Name: renter_cost .Startline: 5 .Headerlines: 3,4 .Description: Portion of income spent on rent, extracted from the ACS .Nrows: 12000 The values for the Datafile terms are urls that reference row-oriented data on the web. The fragment portion of the URL -- preceded by a '#' -- describes that file within the ZIP file to extract. The ``.Startline`` argument indicates that the first data line of the file is on line 5, not line 1 as is typical, and the ``.Headerlines`` argument indicates that rather than using line 0 for the headers, the headers are on lines 3 and 4. The values in line 3 and line 4 will be concatenated column-wise. Datafiles can also be references from other metatab packages, such as with this resource line:: Datafile: metapack+\ .Name: random-names-csv .Schema: random-names .Description: Names and a random number The ``metapack+`` portion of the URL indicates that the URL references a metapack package, and the fragment ``#random-names`` is a resource in the package. In source packages, resources can also reference programs:: Datafile: program+file:scripts/ .Name: rowgen The preceeding examples are actually from a source package, so when this package is built all of the resources will be downloaded and processed into a standard CSV files, with a corresponding change to their URLs. The References section has the same structure to URLs, but the data for the resources is not copied into the data package. References frequently refer to more complex data, such as geographic shape files:: Reference: shape+ .Name: sra .Description: Sub-regional areas The ``shape+`` protocol is defined in the `rowgenerators module `_. The full set of url patterns that the rowgenerators module recognizes can be found from running the :command:`rowgen-urls -l` program Resource Urls +++++++++++++ We've see a few URLs in the previous sections, but they should be describes in more detail, because URLs are so central to the system. These urls have a few extra components that are not common on web urls. The parts of these URLs are; * An options protocol, the part of the scheme before a '=' character. * A normal URL, or a file path. * A fragment, indicated with a '#' character. Fragments can contain: ** One or two segments, after the fragment, to indicate files within a resource container ** Multiple argments, seperates with & characters. The _protocol_ describes additional handling for the URL, such as the ``shape+`` protocol, which indicates a shapefile. The _segments_ refer to files in a contain, such as file in a ZIP archive, or a spreadsheet in an Excel workbook. There are two segments, so you can refer to a spreadsheet in an Excel workbooks that's inside a ZIP file. The _argument_ can override information about the resoruce describe by the URL, such as forcing a file that ends in '.txt' to be interpreted as a CSV file. When Resource URLs are processed in the :py:mod:`rowgenerator.appurl` module, the processing distinguishes several important application-specific parts of the URL: - ``proto``. This is set to the ``scheme_extension`` if it exists, the scheme otherwise. - ``resource_file``. The filename of the resource to download. It is usually the last part of the URL, but can be overidden in the fragment - ``resource_format``. The format name of the resource, normally drawn from the ``resource_file`` extension, but can be overidden in the fragment - ``target_file``. The filename of the file that will be produced by :py:meth`Url.get_target`, but may be overidden. - ``target_format``. The format of the ``target_file``, but may be overridden. The format is just a file extension string, with out the '.'. - ``target_segment``. A sub-component of the ```target_file``, such as the worksheet in a spreadsheet. - ``fragment_query``. Holds additional parts of the fragment. Several of these parts can be overridden by URL arguments, which appear after the fragment. The system will accept any URL arguments, but the ones it recognizes are: - ``resource_file`` Used to force the name resource to download, if it is not available as the last component of the URL path. - ``resource_format`` Used to force the file type of the resource, if the resource extension is not correct. - ``target_file`` Use to force the name of a target file, if it can't be inferred from the URL - ``target_format`` Used to force the format of the target file, by specifying an alternate file extension to use. - ``encoding``. Text encoding to be used when reading the target. - ``headers``. For row-oriented data, the row numbers of the headers, as a comma-seperated list of integers. - ``start``. For row-oriented data, the row number of the first row of data ( as opposed to headers. ) - ``end``. For row-oriented data, the row number of the last row of data. Here are a few example URLS that are common in Metapack metadata: A simple URL to a CSV file A simple URL to a CSV file that has the wrong extension, so force using ``csv`` A simple URL to a CSV file, but with latin1 encoding. An Excel file within a ZIP file, defaulting to the first spreadsheet in the workbook.;1 The second workbook in an Excel file within a ZIP file. python:pylib#func References a row generating python function in the pyblic module gs://1VGEkgXXmpWya7KLkrAPHp3BLGbXibxHqZvfn9zA800w The first tab of a google spreadsheet, referenced by its ID number. metatab+ A resource in a Metapack package. socrata+ A file in a Socrata data repository Most of these URL forms will only bee seen in source packages for resources, but may appear in the references section of any package type. .Other packages only have resource URLS that refer to well-formed CSV files that have been loaded into the package. The :program:`rowgen` program, part of the :py:mod:`rowgenerators` module, will convert the row data referenced by a URL into CSV or a table, so it's handy for testing URLs: .. code-block:: bash $ rowgen id,uuid,int,float 1,eb385c36-9298-4427-8925-fe09294dbd5f,30,99.7346915319786 2,fbe2ba34-b130-49b7-bd84-3dc6efb63266,79,18.7600680401673 3,b63c1b4c-0d48-43ae-9f1d-83b0291462b5,21,34.2058855203307 4,bcf29f19-79f3-427d-b068-898e21bdc933,52,85.1947994474281 ... Schemas: The Data Dictionary ---------------------------- The last major section of the metadata is the Schema section, which holds information about each of the tables and each column in the table. Like a typical Data Dictionary, this information usually ( or should, anyway ) includes a description of each column. The schema will have, at least, these values: * Column name * Datatype And will often also include: * Column description * An alternate name for the column Alternate names are the main column name, with no spaces, funny characters or uppercase letters. Continue to the next section, :doc:`using`, for basic use patterns.